

I had never heard of the Oak Circle Incident. In the ignorant bliss of my mid-twenties, that horrible tragedy was just another blip on the evening news. 

That is until March 19, 2017. On that Sunday, Jacob Hannigan released his Boston Observer exposé regarding the events surrounding the August 24, 2007 explosion of the Oak Circle neighborhood. In his article, he noted how the official reports into the Incident were, by-and-large, based in conjecture and guess-work. Nobody had any real idea of what exactly happen on that cul-de-sac that night.

Most casual readers of the Sunday paper, might have just moved on from the story. 

I found I couldn’t. 

After some digging online, I stumbled across some message boards of like-minded individuals; people who thought there was more to the Oak Circle Incident than people were letting on. I spent hours discussing theories with other users, sharing the barest shreads of information we could dig up. It was in these online forums that I was contacted by b0dk1n_743.

b0d, as I came to call him, had much more information than the rest of us. A scary amount of information. Things nobody had seen before. The more I asked, the more he revealed. 

I thought the world should know what exactly had happened at Oak Circle and b0d was the one to give us all the answers. We came to an agreement. He would keep his anonymity and I would be the one to publish this evidence. 

Each week I will tell the story of Oak Circle and the people who lived there through various source materials. My hope is that someone out there can help us put all the puzzle pieces together and help solve one of the strangest mysteries of our lifetimes.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Paul Makay