
#34: Obstetrician letter to Sally Shankar, July 25, 2007

Mrs. Shankar:

My office has left several messages on your answering machine but have not yet been able to get in contact with you.

It has come to my attention that you have missed several of your last appointments and have not contacted us to reschedule or cancel them. I’m concerned that we haven’t heard from you.

If you have decided to see another OB/GYN, that is fine. However, we have not received any requests for your medical files. My hope is that this is just an oversight and that you are still receiving regular medical checkups.

If this is not the case, it is very important that you continue with your appointments this far into your pregnancy. I am concerned about well being of both your child and yourself. When you receive this letter, please call me at my personal cell phone number: (781) 555-8959. I am available 24/7.

I’m looking forward to speaking with you soon.


Dr. Jeffery Hartington, M.D