
#28: Email correspondence between Claire and Sarah Benoit, May–June 2007

From: Sarah Benoit <TheMsSarahB@XXXXX.com>
Sent: Thurs., May 31, 2007 at 07:13 PM
To: Claire Benoit <Cbenoit8733@XXXXX.com>
Subject: Hey Stranger!

Hey Big Sis! What are you doing? Hiding under a rock? : )

We missed you at Dad’s birthday party. Are you feeling any better?

I don’t suppose we’ll be seeing you anytime soon? Heck, at least pick up the phone and give me a holler!

We miss you lots!!! Talk to you soon!!!

Luv, Your Little Sis


From: Claire Benoit <Cbenoit8733@XXXXX.com>
Sent: Fri., June 1, 2007 at 07:12 AM
To: Sarah Benoit <TheMsSarahB@XXXXX.com>
Subject: RE: Hey Stranger!


I think there’s something wrong with me.



From: Sarah Benoit <TheMsSarahB@XXXXX.com>
Sent: Fri., June 1, 2007 at 09:23 AM
To: Claire Benoit <Cbenoit8733@XXXXX.com>
Subject: RE: Hey Stranger!

Claire, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?

From: Claire Benoit <Cbenoit8733@XXXXX.com>
Sent: Fri., June 1, 2007 at 08:54 PM
To: Sarah Benoit <TheMsSarahB@XXXXX.com>
Subject: RE: Hey Stranger!

I don’t know what to do, Sarah.

I dread going into work and having to deal with my boss. Nothing seems to be going right and I’m missing deadlines. The kids are off on their own playing in the woods and I hardly see them anymore. David’s getting more and more aggressive to the point where I’m starting to get worried.

On top of all of it, everyone in the neighborhood is acting weird. The pregnant woman across the way that I was friendly with has stopped talking to me for some reason. When I say hi she only gives me a dirty look. Not to mention Melissa next door! She keeps harassing me about taking care of my lawn! I was here first! She was a bitch in high school and she’s a bitch now.

It’s getting harder and harder to get out of the house, Sarah. Everything I touch seems like it’s falling apart.

I don’t know what’s happening to me.



From: Sarah Benoit <TheMsSarahB@XXXXX.com>
Sent: Fri., June 1, 2007 at 09:03 PM
To: Claire Benoit <Cbenoit8733@XXXXX.com>
Subject: RE: Hey Stranger!

I’m calling you right now. Please pick up your phone.