
#25: Datchet Police Reports, March & April 2007

Date/Time Reported: 3/21/2007 21:25:00

Norma Hayward of 33 Oak Circle reported seeing a group of people in the wood’s behind her home at around 9:15 pm. Upon inspection of the area in question, no footprints in the mud or other physical sign of trespassers were discovered.

Speaking to Naveen Shankar, Ms. Hayward’s neighbor at 35 Oak Circle, he indicated that he did not observe any people in the forest. He did mention that he has been hearing dogs in that area and thinks there may be people wandering around further into the woods.

I informed Ms. Hayward that there was no indication of intruders but she should call the station in the future if a similar incident happened.

Date/Time Reported: 4/2/2007 11:35:00

On Monday, April 2, 2007, Norma Hayward of 33 Oak Circle called to report a gathering of suspicious people in the street in front of her home. On the above time and date, I was on patrol duty in the Northern part of Datchet, working from 7:00-18:00.

At approximately 11:30, a call came in reporting suspicious activity in progress at 33 Oak Circle.

When I arrived, Ms. Hayward met me in front of her home in an agitated state. She told me a group of 5-7 hooded individuals had been standing in the cul-de-sac just outside her house. She informed me that she ran to her phone to call the emergency number and when she returned to her front window, all of the people were gone.

I proceeded to go door to door to ask Ms Hayward’s neighbors if they had seen anything. Only two residents were around at the time of the incident. Sally Shankar of 35 Oak Circle was at home with her son. She did not notice any strange activity or people.

Henry Fish of 41 Oak Circle said that he had been working from home and had a clear view out of his window to Ms Hayward’s home all morning. He stated that he did not see any people out in the street.

I informed Ms. Hayward that there did not appear to be any intruders in the area but to call the emergency line if these people showed up again.

Due to the fact that Ms. Hayward has called the emergency line several times within the last few weeks, this officer recommends that the department may need to contact Ms. Hayward’s family in order to conduct a welfare check.