
#22: Obstetrician letter to Sally Shankar, April 11, 2007

Mrs. Shankar:

I am writing you in regard to your appointment on April 5, 2007. Other than your slightly elevated blood pressure, all of your results came back fine. Your blood tests were normal, and everything looked great on the ultrasound. Your daughter is looking strong and healthy!

However, I would like to schedule a follow up appointment in the near future. I am slightly concerned about the circumstances surrounding this emergency call. You appeared to be fairly agitated when you came in and were under the impression that something was “happening to your baby”.

I’d like to discuss some steps going forward to help you alleviate your stress levels and perhaps explore some dietary, physical activity and medicinal options going forward.

Please give our office a call at your earliest convenience to schedule this appointment.


Dr. Jeffery Hartington, M.D.