
#16: Sarah Benoit’s IM to her niece Maddie deWitt; April 15, 2007

TheMsSarahB: Hey Maddy-Girl!

UnderMySkin123: Hi AUnty!

TheMsSarahB: Do you know if you’re mom’s been checking her phone messages?

TheMsSarahB: I’m trying to get a hold of her about grandpa’s birthday party.

UnderMySkin123: She isn’t using the phone much 

TheMsSarahB: What do you mean?

UnderMySkin123: Moms been a little wierd. She’s letting the answering machine pick up & she doesn’t leave the house to much

TheMsSarahB: You’re starting to scare me… Are you and Mike okay?

UnderMySkin123: We’re fine.   

TheMsSarahB: Is you’re mom home right now?

UnderMySkin123: Yeah

TheMsSarahB: Ok. You get up and tell her right now that Aunt SArahs going to give her a call.

TheMsSarahB: And make sure she picks up the phone!!!!

UnderMySkin123: Ok aunty I’ll go right now