
#09: Alyssia Amaral Diary Entry, July 21, 2006

July 21, 2006

Dear Diary,

Can you believe we’ve been at the new house for 3 months! It’s SOOO much better than the old one. I love having a room to myself!

Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I haven’t told you about the neighbors yet, have I? Some of them are weird and annoying but most of them are ok.

1.) Bernie and Hank
Bernie works at a restaurant and Hank is some kind of artist. We see Bernie a lot more. He’s really nice! Mom says they’re just roommates but don’t think so ;). Dad doesn’t like them much.

2.)   Ms. Benoit and Madison and Mike
I wish they didn’t live next to us. Madison is such a loser and her brother’s REALLY annoying. Plus, their mom is super weird. It’s like she goes and hides whenever she sees us.

3.)   Our House!!!
Me, Mom, Dad and Danielle!!

4.)   Mr. and Mrs. Shankar and Jai
Little Jai is SOOOO cute! And Mrs. Shankar is going to have another baby! She seems pretty nice. Mr Shankar isn’t around much. He’s got a weird way of talking like he’s from another country or something.

5.)   Mrs. Hayward
That old lady is always looking out the window like she’s waiting for us to do something to her house. Like I care about her house! She’s wicked annoying!